Darn it all. I am if anything a trend
bucker. The more someone pushes something or raves about how awesome something is I tend to shy away from it. I know it's stupid but in my defense I thought it was always funny when people would use the line "everybody is doing it" you know like in" just say 'no'" seminars and what not. Honestly that pitch doesn't ever really appeal to me so when all of my friends, family, strangers on the street, Ellen
Degeneres started talking about the Twilight series and the soon to come movie, my eyes nearly sprained themselves from rolling so much. I was the same way with the Harry Potter Series, The Lord of the Rings, Blogging, and probably a whole bunch of other things that if I were to admit them now I'd feel like a GIANT
hypocrite. Well I thought I'd get on the Library's waiting list for the overly talked about Twilight series giving me plenty of time to let all the hype be done.
Unfortunately the Library had a copy right there that very day and I had to take it because for some weird
glitch in their system they couldn't put me on the list as long as they had a copy in the building. Fine. I was slightly
irritated that I would have to join all the avid readers and put my life on hold. I figured I would wait and start the darn book when I was at my parents house while the husband was on a hunting trip with all the other manly men from my family. I threw the book down after the first three chapters and started to think all these crazy people think this is a good book!! First it really bugged me that the story was told in first person because honestly what insight can an author really give you in first person. Secondly, Bella I mean come on grow-up already. I know I was a little judgemental and harshly critical but because I have this
OCD thing about books I decided to finish the book so that I could let all the dumb people who loved this book how warped their brains were.
Ummm my mistake the book was awesome. I eagerly
texted all my friends who had read it and begged for their forgiveness for being so slow to head their raves. Anyhow after I emerged from reading book 1, 2, 3, and 4 plus the midnight sun manuscript on-line. I looked around my home to discover I may have neglected a few things while I
submerged with vampires, werewolves, stupid teenage
hormones and the taste of anticipation,
twitterpation and then of course love. Anyhow I could tell you all the things that I liked about the books but they're probably the same things you liked. I didn't like Jacob Black at all (Sorry
tonia, he's just a dorky teenage boy to me) and to be
completely honest laughed so hard in book 4 when that thing happens to him and the kid (
I'm trying to be vague for those who haven't read it yet) that I had to call a friend to have her calm me down. Also what the junk was with her telling the story from Jacob's point of view??? Seriously there were a few more options out there but I guess when you tell the story in 1st person it gets kind of tricky to cover character depth.
Anywho I'm excited to see the movie just so I can laugh at how poorly it depicts the books. But I digress, the series was thoroughly entertaining and my house could use a serious maid right around now but I thought I would take pictures so you could all feel better about
neglecting things to for a moment or two of indulgence.

Up first are the dirty dishes overflowing out of my sink. The smell was nasty.

But on closer examination there was a balloon in the sink so I didn't have that many dishes but they still stunk really bad.

Next up was the weeds in my garden,
ummm all of that, morning glory. Ya it's supposed to be strawberries. But the snow is coming soon right?

Clothes that should have been unpacked from a long time ago still sitting in various duffel bags. It was nice to find some clean clothes though.

Clothes that should have been folded and put away but instead were strewn across the floor mixing in with the dirty clothes. Not so awesome.

Abby's constant outfit. Here princess nightgown and butterfly wings. Ya luckily we didn't leave the house much and occasionally I made her wear pants and a shirt with them but I wasn't really going to fight her much not if it took away from reading time.

Gorgeous here was so
completely content as long as he had something to eat. Sometimes washing him off was too big of a chore but I still did it after I was done with a chapter. (Seriously I'm so glad I'm done.)

I mean look at those hands. You can see the junk between the fingers. At least he's cleaner now.
All in all a great read but I'm glad to be done. I'll seriously be glad when I can walk around and stop trying to think like a vampire or wonder what it would be like to read that person's brain, or wonder if i growled at that person if they would give me a dirty hiss in return.
"Well off to buck a new trend." She said with a chagrin smile....
OK I had to throw that one in too because seriously how many times can you use that word? And who ever really says it on a daily basis? But go...Read...Neglect....it's
OK everyone is doing it.
bahhhbaah haahhaa i love it! its a dangerous addiction, i warned you! those hands will always be needing to be messy, he probably loved it! who likes to be washed anyways??? and, just an fyi, if you go to her website and read her faq's she explains why she(the author) loves jacob black so much. and how lame is it when you get bummed out that you cant jump off stuff like a vampire can??? ergh.
Yeah. I know. It's all true. Took me a LONG time to quit dreaming that I was a Cullen. Seriously. Be glad at least the whole series is out. I stated just a few months before Eclipse came out... and of course had to read the books over and over and over in anticipation of Breaking Dawn. This series has to be the biggest perpetrator of life-neglect that there is! And yet we still love it, think about it constantly, dream about it... sigh. I am glad that you decided to join the majority and enjoy the trend. Dishes, laundry, the cleaning of food off of darling little boys, all stuff that can wait. :)
Yay! You joined the twilight geeks! How does Jeremy feel about the books? Dustin would like to burn them haha. I just found this secret blog of yours and loved reading all of your mommy thoughts! You're such an amazing person and I'm glad to have you as a SIL! You inspire me to be a better person! See you this weekend!
I totally laughed my head off! LOVE that you finally caved! If you read the comment my sister in law left on my blog, you can totally tell she hasn't read it yet!
We'll have to talk at Christmas and go see the movie together!
By they way, I only liked Jacob Black cause his physical description (and a few other things about him) totally reminded me of Nathan.
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