Friday night is a special night in our house. It's always a date night with or without the kids. This past weekend just happened to be a date night with the kids. And what better activity to do with kids and let your significant other know how much you care for them then a date night at Macey's. Now before anything else I have to express my endless love for Maceys. Besides having the best produce, meat and awesome prices they have this thing called Customer Service. See Wal-Mart here in Tooele seems to be the center of the universe and everyone and I mean Everyone shops there as if it were some sort of High-end mall. The only problem with the overshopped box store is that the people that work there have this problem with helping people. I know we really shouldn't bother the people there to help us with any questions we have and heaven forbid they even make eye contact with us or greet us with a hell-o or even a smile. I mean honestly why should they do that. Well call them Crazy but Macey's has the best Customer Service ever. I can't walk around a new aisle without running into their cute staff in their blue aprons with a smile and asking me if I need help with anything. I'm sure with three kids in the cart jumping everywhere and me singing some sort of song I must look crazy and in need of serious help but they are always there. In the check out line if it ever takes too long the checkers are stocked with candy bars (full size ones mind you), Smarties and balloons. They always offer to help me out to the car with the groceries and will load my car while I wrestle my kids into their car seats. Yes, I HEART Macey's with giant bold letters. Thus my little weekend trip is even more embarassing.
After looting the store for as much stuff as our cart could possibly carry and getting all three kids their required balloons and smarties and running out into the thick fog and searching for our car. Jeremy unloaded the cart while I wrestled the kids and balloons into the car and into appropiate seats. We came home and began the process of unloading all of our groceires and trying to simatameiously get the kids in pj's and bed. We noticed a little something was missing from our groceries. When we came to the end of the grocery bags all we had left were the storage buckets, sugar and flour bags and still no Frozen Chicken, Brocolli, Carrots, Corn, Tortolleni and a few other frozen food items. We searched through the car several times and then began to think badly of my beloved Macey's. I mean seriously it was at least three bags of groceries missing! How does someone miss puting three bags in a cart. I called Macey's and they said they hadn't had any missing food reported to them so it must have been put in another shoppers cart. I was ticked! They told me to come back and I could get all the missing items. Jeremy began to mock my Macey's and I must admit that I lost my faith in the best store that Tooele has to offer. I got in the car drove threw a thickening fog and somehow arrived at the store without a single accident. I went straight to the customer service desk explained to the nice lady what had happened and tried to let them know I was disappointed in what seemed to be poor bagging skills. I gathered all my missing groceries brought them back to the customer service lady she bagged all my groceries I went to hand her the reciept and she said it wasn't necessary. Ummm wow way too trusting. I drove back home in the even thicker fog and barley made it back to my house. I put all the groceries away and then went to take the buckets down stairs to fill with the flour and sugar. When I lifted the buckets they were so heavy. I was totally baffeled. I opened the lid only to find the forgotten frozen food. I was so glad that I was home because I could feel my face flush as red as a sunburned utahn on a cruise.
Jeremy laughed pretty hard. I had the mixed emotion of wanting to cry and laugh and scream that's probably why my face was red it was an consitpated emotion effect. Well I pleaded and pleaded with Jeremy to take the groceries back. Jeremy just laughed more. I could tell that he was in no state to drive through the fog. I thought for a second that I could keep the groceries but then that annoying good girl in me rejected that and so with tears trickling down my face I got back in the car with my stolen booty and braved the fog one more time.
I made it back to the store barley being able to make out the giant yellow MACEY'S and started my walk of shame back to the customer service desk. The customer service lady was shocked to see me back. I explained what had happened. I was awaiting some sort of snotty lady look or remark but instead got a gentle laugh and a warm smile. I put the groceries on the counter and before I could turn and walk away once again in shame she handed me a sucker and gave me a happy Thank you. I almost asked if I could have a balloon to see if that could help lift my dragging behind but amazingly enough made it out of the store on my own will power.
And thus my love has been fully restored to Macey's. Although I'm still a little ashamed and questionable if I'm still worthy of the love that Macey's gives to all so well maybe not totally free but at amazing low prices, not to mention their great produce and meat sections.
I love you Macey's!(I've added a link to their store just in case you want to start hearting them as well)