So I had this wacked out dream last night and I so need to write it out in hopes that it'll make more sense to me.
So Michael, from The Office (the T.V. show) and I were grocery shopping at Albertson's in Price. (Which made total sense because that's where I did all of my grocery shopping when I was at CEU over 9 years ago) As we were shopping in the frozen food section I couldn't help but notice something white wiggling out of his skin. I recognized them at once as maggots and noticed a lot of wiggily things underneath the skin of his arm. So we went back to his apartment which looked a lot like the homes that the who's live in in Horton hears a who. He turned on the T.V. and started watching something while I went and got the tweasers to pluck the maggots out of his arm. Jeremy came by to pick me up from Michael's house and noticed something wiggiling underneath the skin on my right arm right above my elbow. Jeremy knew he had to get it out of my arm and I was so mad at Michael for spreading his nasty maggots to my arm. I was peterbed but when Jeremy started slicing my arm open to get the maggot out I was amazed that my arm looked a lot like the chicken breast that I buy from Maceys. I wasn't grossed out by the meat of my arm but more of the fat pocket that this maggot was digging in. Jeremy couldn't reach the maggot so he went and got his needle nose pliers and as he started to tug on it we noticed it wasn't a maggot but a long white tape worm. The incision that Jeremy had made was really deep but Jeremy didn't know how to close the wound so I went to find my dad. Dad was way too busy to help me and said that it would just heal itself if I didn't move too much. Which was totally plausiable except for the fact that I am a mom of three kids and had a mountain biking trip planned with Brother Wihonghi from the Overlake 2nd ward. I was showing brother Wihonghi the super cool bike trailer I had for my kids and he wanted to buy it for me but had to test it out. So I showed him that it could tip from side to side and the kids would stay safe. You could even jump off your bike and let the kids crash in it and they would still be Okay. Then I started complaining about my incision on my arm but if I held my arm just right it stayed close. I started biking up this hill right next to a park that climbed the mountain following brother Wihonghi and watching all the kids climb on Monkey Bars.
When I woke up this morning my arm hurt really bad and my legs felt like they had been pushing on something really hard all night long.
Another weird side note. My eyelashes are falling off or breaking off right in the middle of my lash line and I don't know why. It's driving me nuts but every time I go to buy fake eyelashes I can't do it. So instead of having regular looking eyelashes I look like I've had some sort of bad dance with a flame thrower. Or a pair of maverick scissors. or.....I'm so screwed up.
Remember when I was in high school and all of my eye lashes on my left eye got ripped out?! So I know what you mean. Just go and get the fake ones, but make sure that they come with glue, it's much easier that way. Then you can put mascara over them. you might have to put a little bit more mascara on the other eye to match but it will be okay. and they grow back, mine did. :]
That is one crazy dream. Do you sleep in your mascara? I heard it makes your lashes break.
Scary eyelash thing... I'm picturing Lizzie with the scissors at night... or maybe Abby? Weird things happen when your... pregnant...maybe???? :) I'm sure they will grow back. But I am glad you didn't buy false ones. I don't think I could have either! Oh, and WEIRD dream!!
k just to clear the record. i am sooo not pregnant. but my hormones my just be a part of it. they're rearranging and maybe that could be part of it.
In high school my half of my eyelashes broke off from my using a cheap eyelash curler too hard, over and over in the same spot. I hope yours grow back quickly!
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