I woke up this morning totally Jazzed. (Yes Jeremy, I really do say Jazzed it's corny but it get's the point across). I even remembered to say my morning prayers and made my bed right after getting out of bed. (this should all be attributed to the fact that i woke up before my kids.) I broke into my kids room with a giant smile and sang them my own rendition of some morning song I heard somewhere. Thank goodness my girls are still little because they smiled at me and sprang out of bed to smother me with their fresh morning goodness. We decided what to eat for breakfast and everyone began to eat out of their appropriate bowls. I devoured my bowl of Kix while multi-tasking and reading my scriptures at the same time. (I'll tell you what I'm super glad I wasn't a cheif judge with feuding brothers whom had nasty kishkumen friends (although I do think the name kishkumen is a super cool name) I probably would have ended up dead) After reading about people killing people I decided to take my morning energy and attack the dishes in the sink (mostly because I didn't want people to come over for our morning yoga and be nauseated by the smell of dinners of yesterday). My energy spilled over onto a broom and I swept the floor in despicable glee (really i was pretending that i was in Sleeping Beauty and I had just waved a magic wand at the broom and it swept the floor on it's own). I quickly ushered my children back upstairs to help them look a little more loved and a little less homeless. I pulled all of their hair out of their faces switched out milk drenched pj's for clean smelling shirts and changed the appropriate diapers. I looked at the clock and ran downstairs to move all the furniture out of my greeting room to make room for happy yoga going women. (yes, all of the furniture minus my piano, which if i had the muscle strength I would probably move as well so we could fit just a couple more women in.) I started researching new pilates moves for my little 15 minute segment of yoga. (i'm obsessed with toning my arms.(i just got called as Ward Choir Director and I have giant fears of Relief Society flap on my arms.) (mostly because i said i never will have that and well we all know what happens when you do that)). I realized other women wouldn't bring weights so I started trying to find weights for them. Food storage came to the rescue as I noticed the weightage of my cans of refried beans. Just as I finished huffing all the cans up from my basement my phone rang and the most amazing yoga instructor called to say she wouldn't be able to make it. *PANIC* It was too late to call all the people who come over so thus I had to stretch my 15 minute segment into an hour. --Breathe--Breathe----Breathe, I can do this. So I had to review every single move I've come to learn and somehow flow it into a 60 minute routine.(not to mention not focus on the fact that people would be looking at me and realize that i'm way too uncoordinated and under qualified to be teaching this show biz) But before I really could psych myself out people are knocking on the door and they are all smiling and happy to be in my furniture less room and laughing and really excited to work out. (because darn it all we're going to look awesome before swimsuit season gets here) And thus we start the work out. All is going well, children are playing about my entire house and mini moments of chaos erupt but we keep pressing forward. Abby soon realizes where I am and decides it's really funny when Mommy is holding a plank position (and praying really hard that relief society arms will flap their last flap) if she climbs on top of mommy and say getty up she should get a good laugh. And now the downward spiral begins. I'm just getting into the final sweat off of the routine when darling Will reminds me that I failed to clean up Abby's oatmeal by bringing in the bowl and drops it at my downward dog feet. Lovely. I then realize that all the kids are playing in the kitchen and I can
smell markers. Sure enough 8 kids plus 24 markers equals a non focused pilates instructor. We finish regardless and I say goodbye to my happy yoga women. I begin to survey the damage and really start wishing that I was in some disney movie where I could either wiggle a magic wand or sing a sweet song and have adorable woodland creatures clean my previously cleaned kitchen again.
But I have children who are starving and need to be fed at that exact moment despite the fact that it's way before lunch time. I tell them I'll get lunch as soon as I'm done checking my email. (Darn Internet you harlot. always tempting me to spend way too much time with you making me oblivious to things that are far more pressing) I begin to sink into the internet like an old soggy couch only to realize that the pantry door is wide open and fair game to my one year old son. I realize this as the sound of cheerios are sprinkling on the ground only to be crunched by the cutest little toes you've ever seen. I fully come out my internet induced coma to see my sweet boy with a box of upside down cheerios clutched in his arms and a giant lopsided smile on his delicious face.
I have two choices at this point either yell and get mad at the giant mess that this baby boy made or laugh pretty hard and get my magic broom out once again.
I laugh. Sweep and am so grateful that I said my prayers in the morning and asked for the patience to be a good mom.
You know the rest of the day could probably be summed up with similar ups and downs (don't even get me started about my adventure to Wal-Mart at 5:00 I must have taken some serious crazy pills) but all in all I was able to be a somewhat decent Mom today and I feel pretty good about that. Let's see how I do tomorrow.