Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pictures of Us

I love pictures. I love pictures of my kids. I love pictures of flowers, nature, even food. And since this is my own private blog I guess I can admit I even like pictures well most of them anyhow. When Jeremy and I were dating we took lots of pictures of the two of us and in fact our engagement pictures still adorn the walls of my home because I loved the pictures so much and I'm too lazy to change them out. But I was thinking the other day that Jeremy and I are rarely in a picture together, just the two of us. How sad it'll be when I look over our lifetime of pictures and finally see the pix of me and Jeremy and we go from being two hot young 20 year olds to slightly balder/older 50 somethings (although i'll remind the audience that we'll still be hot). So it's now my goal to take more pictures of the two of us. And try to better capture us on film I mean digital pixels. So here's my latest attempt in Logan from a weekend ago.

Yep he's really that hot all the time. How hot is that you may ask. Sizzling.....
A better attempt to smile but the kid sure makes him look even cuter.

I'm telling my hair to grow grow grow in this picture.

One final attempt for the two of us I'm over compensating my smile for the lack of Jeremy's smile.

1 comment:

kristin said...

were you really in Logan, and I didn't even know? I keep expecting to see you guys at church or something. :)