Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fitting considering it's our anniversary and all.

The Man I Married
(I was tagged by my SIL, Tonia)
1. What is his name? Jeremy
2. Who eats more? Depends who's pregnant..ok just kidding Jeremy could probably eat me out of house and home if he wanted to but I can come close.
3. Who said I love you first? I did. I'm not very good at not saying how I feel with him for some reason.
4. Who is taller? Jeremy by a few inches. It's a perfect height as far as I'm concerned.
5. Who is smarter? Crap, I want to say me. I mean really really bad want to say me but I think we're pretty close although I'm not an electrical engineer I guess where he lacks I make up and vice a versa.
6. Who is more sensitive? Before we got married I so wasn't sensitive but there was something that happened when we put on wedding rings and now I'm on constant sensitivity watch.
7. Who does the laundry? I think Jeremy did once....So if we left it up to him we'd be wearing disposable clothes by now.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, no matter where we are sleeping it just feels weird otherwise. Even when Jeremy is out on business or something I still sleep on the right side.
9. Who pays the bills? I do but Jeremy is really good at reminding me.
10. Who cooks more? Who would you want to cook more??? If Jeremy cooked more our diet would consist of pasta roni, baked potatoes and some sort of meat. He's King of the grill though.
11. What meals do you cook together? If it's a meal where we're grilling anything and when ever I need a "prep chef" Jeremy is really handy in the kitchen.
12. Who is more stubborn? He would say I was and I would say he was and that's where we'll leave that.
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Me, and Me and then Me again. I usually have to write a proof to show Jeremy where he was wrong and wait for some committee to publish it.
14. Who has more siblings? I do by one but we're both the 2nd and both of our older brothers names' are Michael. (it gets really confusing when we're talking about them)
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? What pants? we're more of a free flowing pair of shorts.
16. What do you like to do together? Hang out with each other/ friends, enjoy the outdoors, watch movies/ good t.v., watch sports (so excited for college football season!!!) and other stuff that I can't really think of now.
17. Who eats more sweets? Ya I clean house on this. Jeremy had no sweet tooth at all when we got married but at least now he will eat them occasionally.
18. Guilty pleasures? He can down an entire bag of chips without even second thought. His new baby the 4 wheeler, Riding his mtn. bike, and dumb adam sandler type movies that I can't stand to watch. And how could I forget to mention Ultimate Frisbee time has a way to escape him when he's playing.
19. How did you meet? We had a mutual friend run for Student Body officer at USU and we helped him out with his campaign. After Jeremy's friends dated my friends and then stopped dating each other Jeremy and I still wanted to hang out. We were really good friends for a good while before we actually took the plunge and started "dating".
20. When did you fall in love with him? Honestly I don't know if there was a moment, I loved that I could just be myself with him instead of playing the whole "dating"game. He's just so stinkin' cool.
21. Who has changed the most since you married? Both of us think that neither one of us have changed. Well Jeremy doesn't think that he's changed and I don't think I've changed but I think he's changed and he thinks I've changed so.....
22. Who proposed? Jeremy, with much sneaky planning with his Mom. Seriously it was sneaky sneaky.
23. His best features? Is awesomeness a feature? He's got a great smile, eyes etc. etc.
24. What is his greatest quality? I don't know if there's just one but I love that he never, and I mean never says anything bad about anyone. He's humble, and honestly has such a good heart. He cares about everyone whether they think so or not.
25. Tag? Mindy, Traci, Lexie, Kristen. Anyone else who wants to.

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