This meme is courtesy a tag from K'lyn.
The Rules:
•Link the person(s) who tagged you.
•Mention the rules on your blog.
•Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
•Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
•Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged
1. I love college sports! Especially football, I'll go for basketball and hockey as well and I don't mind baseball as long as I'm at the ball park. I love hashing out old football games and speculating about what plays should have been called and debating referees calls. I do get just as animated watching games at home as well as at the stadium. The only problem is there isn't many other women who share my passion slight bummer at times.
2. For someone who loves sports as much as I do I'm a terrible athlete. It's not that I don't try. I just know I look like a fool playing sports and don't look like I really should be out there playing. But I play anyhow and have a fantastic time anyhow.
3. I love cooking! Many people will attest to that but I hate cleaning up after cooking. It just doesn't seem right that I cook all that great food for other people to enjoy and for me to have to clean it up, come on now..... Luckily Jer will kick in and help clean up after dinner.
4. I worry a little that people will under estimate me because of my age, status in life, educational background, and who knows what else I will come up with in my brain. I really shouldn't worry about it but it's just something that my brain won't let go.
5. I'm happy and will always be happy. It's not because my life is perfect but I chose to be happy.
6. I deep clean when I'm mad. So if Jer ever comes home and the house is sparkling, squeaky clean he knows he needs to be on egg shells. For some reason scrubbing hard helps to relieve the frustration.
Alright enough about me I tag: Amy, Amanda, Vanessa, Raegan, Kaylene, Kristen and everyone else because well you know.....
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Random Lizzie Comment
Lizzie and I were grocery shopping the other day and as I was contemplating whether to buy the red apples or the fuji apples Lizzie said to me: " Mom I guess your all done having babies huh." I love when statements come out of no where. I asked her why she thought that. She then responds, "Well, your not pregnant now and you used to always be pregnant." Yes, Lizzie I used to always be pregnant. That is exactly how I felt and may be one of the reasons why I am not pregnant now.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
All in a day
My husband has to chronicle every 6 minutes at his work. I may not have it down to 6 minutes but I thought I would post what my Tuesday was like for every 15 minutes.
My Day on Tuesday:
Wake up to crying 2 yr old at 6:00
6:15 get thrown up on
6:30 get 2 yr old water
6;35 get thrown up on
6:45 breastfeed
7:00 comfort crying 2 yr old/ put 4 yr old in front of t.v.
7:30 get 4 old cereal for breakfast
7:45 put sleeping 2 yr old back in bed
8:00 pilates
8:30 clean up thrown-up bedding
9:00 get 4 yr old ready for swim lessons
9:30 breastfeed
9:45 send 4 yr old with friend for swim lesson
10:00 put crying baby in bed
10:15 get dishes done
10:30 realize I need to eat
10:31 find milk frozen in the fridge
10:35 eat toast while milk thaws on table
10:45 pick up toys
11:00 crying 2 yr old needs hugs
11:15 4 yr old home from swimming lessons
11:30 lunch time
11:45 clean up bubbles spilled on kitchen floor
12:00 change blow-out from baby/change bedding that was blown out on.
12:30 supervise 4 yr old "doing dishes"
12:45 breastfeed
1:00 pick up toys/ find new movie for 2 yr old
1:30 remake 2 yr olds bed with clean bedding
1:45 kill threating spider in basement for 4 yr old
2:00 put baby down for nap
2:15 tuck 2 yr old in for a nap
2:30 go check vacationing neighbor's house and mail
2:35 get locked in neighbor's garage
2:40 realize I can get out
2:42 get out of garage
2:45 get own mail
2:50 sort mail and pay bill
3:00 check email/ blogs
3:15 comfort crying 2 yr old
3:30 make blanket fort for 4 yr old
3:50 reinforce blanket fort
4:00 Breastfeed
4:15 thaw meat for dinner
4:30 Find new movie for 2 yr old
4:45 Change baby diaper
5:00 Welcome Husband Home
5:15 Attempt to watch news
5:30 Give up watching news
5:45 Beg husband to grill meat
6:00 Finish making dinner
6:15 Dinner at table with kids
6:30 Eat Dinner
6:45 Clean up Dinner
7:00 Feed baby yucky baby food squash
7:20 give up feeding yucky squash
7:30 breastfeed
7:45 Relax with Husband
8:00 Change baby diaper
8:15 Start getting kids ready for bed
8:30 Kids in Bed
8:45 Put kids back in bed
9:00 Husband goes to basketball
9:15 Breastfeed
9:30 Put Baby to bed
9:45 Blog
10:30 Husband home with swollen hand
10:45 trying to comfort swollen hand husband without laughing
11:00 Read Scriptures, say prayers, fall asleep and know it will start all over again tomorrow.
I love my job. No seriously, I love it. I also know that days can be a lot worse. Abby just has Rotovirus so it's just a matter of time till is cycles through the whole family. Horray!
My Day on Tuesday:
Wake up to crying 2 yr old at 6:00
6:15 get thrown up on
6:30 get 2 yr old water
6;35 get thrown up on
6:45 breastfeed
7:00 comfort crying 2 yr old/ put 4 yr old in front of t.v.
7:30 get 4 old cereal for breakfast
7:45 put sleeping 2 yr old back in bed
8:00 pilates
8:30 clean up thrown-up bedding
9:00 get 4 yr old ready for swim lessons
9:30 breastfeed
9:45 send 4 yr old with friend for swim lesson
10:00 put crying baby in bed
10:15 get dishes done
10:30 realize I need to eat
10:31 find milk frozen in the fridge
10:35 eat toast while milk thaws on table
10:45 pick up toys
11:00 crying 2 yr old needs hugs
11:15 4 yr old home from swimming lessons
11:30 lunch time
11:45 clean up bubbles spilled on kitchen floor
12:00 change blow-out from baby/change bedding that was blown out on.
12:30 supervise 4 yr old "doing dishes"
12:45 breastfeed
1:00 pick up toys/ find new movie for 2 yr old
1:30 remake 2 yr olds bed with clean bedding
1:45 kill threating spider in basement for 4 yr old
2:00 put baby down for nap
2:15 tuck 2 yr old in for a nap
2:30 go check vacationing neighbor's house and mail
2:35 get locked in neighbor's garage
2:40 realize I can get out
2:42 get out of garage
2:45 get own mail
2:50 sort mail and pay bill
3:00 check email/ blogs
3:15 comfort crying 2 yr old
3:30 make blanket fort for 4 yr old
3:50 reinforce blanket fort
4:00 Breastfeed
4:15 thaw meat for dinner
4:30 Find new movie for 2 yr old
4:45 Change baby diaper
5:00 Welcome Husband Home
5:15 Attempt to watch news
5:30 Give up watching news
5:45 Beg husband to grill meat
6:00 Finish making dinner
6:15 Dinner at table with kids
6:30 Eat Dinner
6:45 Clean up Dinner
7:00 Feed baby yucky baby food squash
7:20 give up feeding yucky squash
7:30 breastfeed
7:45 Relax with Husband
8:00 Change baby diaper
8:15 Start getting kids ready for bed
8:30 Kids in Bed
8:45 Put kids back in bed
9:00 Husband goes to basketball
9:15 Breastfeed
9:30 Put Baby to bed
9:45 Blog
10:30 Husband home with swollen hand
10:45 trying to comfort swollen hand husband without laughing
11:00 Read Scriptures, say prayers, fall asleep and know it will start all over again tomorrow.
I love my job. No seriously, I love it. I also know that days can be a lot worse. Abby just has Rotovirus so it's just a matter of time till is cycles through the whole family. Horray!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
You Are Belle!

Intelligent and kind. Your beauty goes much further than your apperance. Also, you make judgements of people based on their personality and not their looks. Attaining all the knowledge that you can is one of your major goals in life, but you are also a person who can make things happen.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Takin' a pole ......My Sunday Review
So I love writing about my Sundays so this post is nothing more than a Sunday in review. I guess it's because I'm trying to comment less on lessons. Sometimes I have a really hard time and I can feel the little girl in me want everybody to know that I know all the answers to the teachers questions. Thus, I have changed my policy on answering teachers questions: When a teacher asks a question or asks for comments I will only answer if I feel so prompted by the spirit. So now you all get to read the answers I would have said in church, or at least the thoughts that ran through my head.
But first off a question for all of you moms and class participants out there. So let's say you have an adorable baby boy who is in every essence joyful. And let's say during times in church when you should be let's say reverent that adorable joyful boy starts making joyful noises do you:
a) Take him out as quickly as possible without tripping on all of the people between you and the door.
b) Make the best of it and hope that he's not too distracting to all the people around him.
c) Pass him down the row and pretend he's not your irreverent child.
If anyone can help me answer this question I sure would appreciate it. I have my opinion and my husband has his so tell us who is right.
I'm kind of enjoying sitting back during Relief Society and I mean really sitting back, there's a rocking chair in the R.S. room and if I'm lucky enough I can nab it and rock little boy to sleep. I worry though it's making me a little too relaxed. This Sunday's lesson was taught by the R.S. Secretary who has been known to be deathly afraid of public speaking so I was super impressed that she took on the task of teaching. She started out really great talking about how work is a value that we all need in our lives. When we accomplish something we feel good about ourselves and so on. She also mentioned how as members of the church we can't completely rely on the ward to carry us through every little thing and sometimes we need to pull together as a family first before we ask the ward for help. I was really impressed with her boldness of words especially where I've been on both sides and seen how the whole thing runs. Then she said "Now I'm going to say something and I hope not to offend you." I could literally see everyone put there game faces on ready for battle. She then said that the same 5 families show up to clean the church when it's time to clean the church every time it's our turn. And then she went on to talk about how not very many women show up to Enrichment nights. I think I could have predicted the dialog that was to follow. Sister so-in-so complained that she didn't know about the church clean-up, sister blah-blah said she always forgets when enrichment is. Then sister helpful talked about in their old ward this was how the advertised much better.
Not to be rude but I had to hold in my chuckles with each comment. Just having gone through the whole ward camp out panic I understood the sister teaching the lessons point, having been one of the sisters who had just forgot the enrichment night I understood the sisters who needed help remembering when it was. But the part that really made me chuckle was we were acting just like Adam and Eve. Now I hope this isn't making too light of something but in Moses chapter 4 Satan tempts Adam and Eve and Eve partakes of the fruit. God comes and Adam and Eve hide in the garden. The best part is in vs 17-19 when God asks them what they did, Adam without missing a beat (to paraphrase) "Well that woman, you know the one you gave me, well she ate it and then told me to eat it." Then when Eve is asked she says, "That snake he tricked me and then I ate it." You see, they don't take the blame at first they start to blame others. Darn that whole natural man thing.
Anyhow at first that's how the women were acting. Then it turned into this guilt trip of "The church spends lots of money on things for you to be there. And when you're not there that's a lot of money, time and effort that has been wasted. So you need to be there for enrichment nights." And you could see all these sisters start to look like little kids who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Now I have this theory on guilt. I am yet to find in the scriptures where Heavenly Father uses guilt to motivate his children to do something right. (If I'm wrong please tell me the reference so I can look it up and eat some crow.) When Heavenly Father chastens his people he's blunt about it but then it's always followed with an increase of love. He makes us want to do what's right not because we're scared of the consequence of not doing it but because it's the right thing to do. I know that guilt can work I am a product of guilt tripping parents. I could always know that after doing something my parents didn't want me to do that I should pack my bags because I was going on a guilt vacation. But now as a parent and a spouse I've tried to watch myself and remember that guilt doesn't build positive character. It may get the job done but I don't think it's the results that we really want. Those women started looking like cat's cornered in a garage. Some had their claws out. Others were hissing and some looked as if they had totally been beaten down. Now I know that wasn't what the sister giving the lesson had intended and I know her intentions were pure and good. I think that a lot of women could have reacted differently but for the most part they needed to remember why they came to church that Sunday. And the sister teaching the lesson brought it back to that she said that she loves the socializing with everyone, she enjoys the talks and singing the songs but the main reason she comes to church every week is because she knows that it's true. That God and Jesus Christ really did show themselves to Joseph Smith and it is through this church and the principles taught within that we can return to our Heavenly Father. And that is why she comes back week after week. So I'll leave it at that for tonight. I know that God lives. I know that he loves me and that is why he sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth. Christ lead the perfect life. And he died so that when I don't lead that perfect life through the atonement I may still return to my Heavenly Father. I love the gospel with all my heart and I'm so grateful for the knowledge and power that it gives to me. I know that President Monson truly is called of God and leads this church through the power of the spirit. I know that the Book of Mormon truly testifies of Jesus Christ and his role as our redeemer. My life has been blessed by following the precepts found in it's pages. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints truly is His church. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
But first off a question for all of you moms and class participants out there. So let's say you have an adorable baby boy who is in every essence joyful. And let's say during times in church when you should be let's say reverent that adorable joyful boy starts making joyful noises do you:
a) Take him out as quickly as possible without tripping on all of the people between you and the door.
b) Make the best of it and hope that he's not too distracting to all the people around him.
c) Pass him down the row and pretend he's not your irreverent child.
If anyone can help me answer this question I sure would appreciate it. I have my opinion and my husband has his so tell us who is right.
I'm kind of enjoying sitting back during Relief Society and I mean really sitting back, there's a rocking chair in the R.S. room and if I'm lucky enough I can nab it and rock little boy to sleep. I worry though it's making me a little too relaxed. This Sunday's lesson was taught by the R.S. Secretary who has been known to be deathly afraid of public speaking so I was super impressed that she took on the task of teaching. She started out really great talking about how work is a value that we all need in our lives. When we accomplish something we feel good about ourselves and so on. She also mentioned how as members of the church we can't completely rely on the ward to carry us through every little thing and sometimes we need to pull together as a family first before we ask the ward for help. I was really impressed with her boldness of words especially where I've been on both sides and seen how the whole thing runs. Then she said "Now I'm going to say something and I hope not to offend you." I could literally see everyone put there game faces on ready for battle. She then said that the same 5 families show up to clean the church when it's time to clean the church every time it's our turn. And then she went on to talk about how not very many women show up to Enrichment nights. I think I could have predicted the dialog that was to follow. Sister so-in-so complained that she didn't know about the church clean-up, sister blah-blah said she always forgets when enrichment is. Then sister helpful talked about in their old ward this was how the advertised much better.
Not to be rude but I had to hold in my chuckles with each comment. Just having gone through the whole ward camp out panic I understood the sister teaching the lessons point, having been one of the sisters who had just forgot the enrichment night I understood the sisters who needed help remembering when it was. But the part that really made me chuckle was we were acting just like Adam and Eve. Now I hope this isn't making too light of something but in Moses chapter 4 Satan tempts Adam and Eve and Eve partakes of the fruit. God comes and Adam and Eve hide in the garden. The best part is in vs 17-19 when God asks them what they did, Adam without missing a beat (to paraphrase) "Well that woman, you know the one you gave me, well she ate it and then told me to eat it." Then when Eve is asked she says, "That snake he tricked me and then I ate it." You see, they don't take the blame at first they start to blame others. Darn that whole natural man thing.
Anyhow at first that's how the women were acting. Then it turned into this guilt trip of "The church spends lots of money on things for you to be there. And when you're not there that's a lot of money, time and effort that has been wasted. So you need to be there for enrichment nights." And you could see all these sisters start to look like little kids who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Now I have this theory on guilt. I am yet to find in the scriptures where Heavenly Father uses guilt to motivate his children to do something right. (If I'm wrong please tell me the reference so I can look it up and eat some crow.) When Heavenly Father chastens his people he's blunt about it but then it's always followed with an increase of love. He makes us want to do what's right not because we're scared of the consequence of not doing it but because it's the right thing to do. I know that guilt can work I am a product of guilt tripping parents. I could always know that after doing something my parents didn't want me to do that I should pack my bags because I was going on a guilt vacation. But now as a parent and a spouse I've tried to watch myself and remember that guilt doesn't build positive character. It may get the job done but I don't think it's the results that we really want. Those women started looking like cat's cornered in a garage. Some had their claws out. Others were hissing and some looked as if they had totally been beaten down. Now I know that wasn't what the sister giving the lesson had intended and I know her intentions were pure and good. I think that a lot of women could have reacted differently but for the most part they needed to remember why they came to church that Sunday. And the sister teaching the lesson brought it back to that she said that she loves the socializing with everyone, she enjoys the talks and singing the songs but the main reason she comes to church every week is because she knows that it's true. That God and Jesus Christ really did show themselves to Joseph Smith and it is through this church and the principles taught within that we can return to our Heavenly Father. And that is why she comes back week after week. So I'll leave it at that for tonight. I know that God lives. I know that he loves me and that is why he sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth. Christ lead the perfect life. And he died so that when I don't lead that perfect life through the atonement I may still return to my Heavenly Father. I love the gospel with all my heart and I'm so grateful for the knowledge and power that it gives to me. I know that President Monson truly is called of God and leads this church through the power of the spirit. I know that the Book of Mormon truly testifies of Jesus Christ and his role as our redeemer. My life has been blessed by following the precepts found in it's pages. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints truly is His church. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Yes, I can be crafty..
So I survived the whole ward camp out, thanks mostly to my husband and a guy with a camp chef and lots and lots of patience. We had two investigating families show up so I hope that they had a quality time and were able to meet our wonderful ward. It really was a good turn out so I guess my prayers were answered. I found out on Saturday that I had a baby shower for a friend on the next Tuesday and i knew that I wasn't really going to have any time to shop until Monday night so my brain started swimming what I could get her and the soon to be new bundle of joy. Just as I was contemplating what do I really appreciate as a mom of a fantastic bundle of joy, Will spit up and I mean spit up huge. I wiped myself off with a burp rag and then had an instant inspiration. I had seen a cute burp cloth once in a nursing lounge that was a simple cloth diaper with fantastic ribbon sewn on it. So I decided that I could do that too. I went to the store late Monday night and picked up a package of cloth diapers and some cute rick-rack and a few spools of adorable ribbon. Tuesday Morning I skipped out on my pilates and decided to get all crafty and what not. I zipped through 10 burp cloths like nothing else. The best part is they turned out so cute. Now I'm not a seamstress by any means in fact I can think of at least 16 people that sew a heck of a lot better than me right this very second. But I found something that works pretty good and used that nylon fish line looking thread so no one can see how crooked my stitches get. Anyhow I thought I would post a few pix of them. I really felt great after getting them done, good enough that Tuesday night when I usually blog I decided to finish off the rest of the burp cloths for a friend who had just had a baby girl and then I decided I wanted a couple for myself. There's just something about putting your mind to doing something and getting it done. Huzzah for the craftiness that I can fake out.
This one I was really proud of just for the fact that that ribbon was so thin and somehow I managed to sew it. K I know this might be something really lame to get so excited about but still looking at it I get so happy. If anyone else is having a baby anytime soon let me know and I'll whip a batch for you.
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