Thursday, July 10, 2008

All in a day

My husband has to chronicle every 6 minutes at his work. I may not have it down to 6 minutes but I thought I would post what my Tuesday was like for every 15 minutes.

My Day on Tuesday:
Wake up to crying 2 yr old at 6:00
6:15 get thrown up on
6:30 get 2 yr old water
6;35 get thrown up on
6:45 breastfeed
7:00 comfort crying 2 yr old/ put 4 yr old in front of t.v.
7:30 get 4 old cereal for breakfast
7:45 put sleeping 2 yr old back in bed
8:00 pilates
8:30 clean up thrown-up bedding
9:00 get 4 yr old ready for swim lessons
9:30 breastfeed
9:45 send 4 yr old with friend for swim lesson
10:00 put crying baby in bed
10:15 get dishes done
10:30 realize I need to eat
10:31 find milk frozen in the fridge
10:35 eat toast while milk thaws on table
10:45 pick up toys
11:00 crying 2 yr old needs hugs
11:15 4 yr old home from swimming lessons
11:30 lunch time
11:45 clean up bubbles spilled on kitchen floor
12:00 change blow-out from baby/change bedding that was blown out on.
12:30 supervise 4 yr old "doing dishes"
12:45 breastfeed
1:00 pick up toys/ find new movie for 2 yr old
1:30 remake 2 yr olds bed with clean bedding
1:45 kill threating spider in basement for 4 yr old
2:00 put baby down for nap
2:15 tuck 2 yr old in for a nap
2:30 go check vacationing neighbor's house and mail
2:35 get locked in neighbor's garage
2:40 realize I can get out
2:42 get out of garage
2:45 get own mail
2:50 sort mail and pay bill
3:00 check email/ blogs
3:15 comfort crying 2 yr old
3:30 make blanket fort for 4 yr old
3:50 reinforce blanket fort
4:00 Breastfeed
4:15 thaw meat for dinner
4:30 Find new movie for 2 yr old
4:45 Change baby diaper
5:00 Welcome Husband Home
5:15 Attempt to watch news
5:30 Give up watching news
5:45 Beg husband to grill meat
6:00 Finish making dinner
6:15 Dinner at table with kids
6:30 Eat Dinner
6:45 Clean up Dinner
7:00 Feed baby yucky baby food squash
7:20 give up feeding yucky squash
7:30 breastfeed
7:45 Relax with Husband
8:00 Change baby diaper
8:15 Start getting kids ready for bed
8:30 Kids in Bed
8:45 Put kids back in bed
9:00 Husband goes to basketball
9:15 Breastfeed
9:30 Put Baby to bed
9:45 Blog
10:30 Husband home with swollen hand
10:45 trying to comfort swollen hand husband without laughing
11:00 Read Scriptures, say prayers, fall asleep and know it will start all over again tomorrow.

I love my job. No seriously, I love it. I also know that days can be a lot worse. Abby just has Rotovirus so it's just a matter of time till is cycles through the whole family. Horray!


Melissa said...

its amazing what one can accomplish in a days time! i especially love the part about killing the spider and building the fort, and trying not to laugh at husband. thats fantastic. when your kids are all grown up and gone you will be unbearably bored.

Cindy said...

Major LOL! Oh, the memories you brought back. There is wisdom in appreciating the seasons of your life...even if it is just to have a good laugh.