Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A post about meme

This meme is courtesy a tag from K'lyn.

The Rules:
•Link the person(s) who tagged you.
•Mention the rules on your blog.
•Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
•Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
•Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

1. I love college sports! Especially football, I'll go for basketball and hockey as well and I don't mind baseball as long as I'm at the ball park. I love hashing out old football games and speculating about what plays should have been called and debating referees calls. I do get just as animated watching games at home as well as at the stadium. The only problem is there isn't many other women who share my passion slight bummer at times.

2. For someone who loves sports as much as I do I'm a terrible athlete. It's not that I don't try. I just know I look like a fool playing sports and don't look like I really should be out there playing. But I play anyhow and have a fantastic time anyhow.

3. I love cooking! Many people will attest to that but I hate cleaning up after cooking. It just doesn't seem right that I cook all that great food for other people to enjoy and for me to have to clean it up, come on now..... Luckily Jer will kick in and help clean up after dinner.

4. I worry a little that people will under estimate me because of my age, status in life, educational background, and who knows what else I will come up with in my brain. I really shouldn't worry about it but it's just something that my brain won't let go.

5. I'm happy and will always be happy. It's not because my life is perfect but I chose to be happy.

6. I deep clean when I'm mad. So if Jer ever comes home and the house is sparkling, squeaky clean he knows he needs to be on egg shells. For some reason scrubbing hard helps to relieve the frustration.

Alright enough about me I tag: Amy, Amanda, Vanessa, Raegan, Kaylene, Kristen and everyone else because well you know.....

1 comment:

kristin said...

Thanks for the tag, friend! I will do it maybe tomorrow. :)

You are such a sparkly person - it totally shows that you have made the decision to be happy no matter what life hands you.