My Dear precious Lizzie,
So you are now 5 years old. Wow it has been so amazing being your Mom. I am forever grateful that you are my first child. You have made being a mother challenging and yet incredibly joyful. You are doing so much right now, but that's how you came to this earth. I could tell from the moment you took in your first breath that you took so much in with each breath.
I'm so proud of you and the good choices you are making so early in your life. I would love to say it's because I'm a great mother. I do try my best to teach you right from wrong, and I try to help you remember who you are but a lot of your choices come because you know. I worry already that people are going to try to strip that knowledge from you and every time I send you out into the world I secretly hyperventilate until you come back to me. But as we visited your preschool this past week and listened to your teacher talk about you my heart was so filled with joy. She told me that you were a leader, and not the snotty kind of leader that tells people what to do. Instead of telling people that they are doing things wrong you help them. You let them know how great they are and still help them learn things the right way. You reach out to those around you and are kind to those who need it. She told me about how smart you are and we already knew that and there is much that we can do to help that continue but above all your academic skills what really means the most to me is that you are staying true to who you are. I never thought it was so possible to feel the spirit so strong come from a 5 year old girl but as I try to teach you things and help you learn and grow I feel the spirit all the time. I know that you are learning quickly and for a very important reason.
I hope you can stay a little girl for a little while longer. That is why I don't let you watch Hannah Montana, I'm sorry if it's selfish but I want you to stay as pure as possible for as long as possible. I love watching you play dress-up. You are such a sweet and proper princess that it really cracks me up. So if you don't mind I'm going to let you indulge in the sweet things for awhile.
You are such a kind sister. Much kinder than I ever was. You think about how everyone feels and truly want everyone to be happy. I've seen you sacrifice things that on an adult level may not seem like much but to a kid I know it means a lot.
You are my big helper. I really will panic when you go to kindergarten next year. I marvel at the things I ask you to do and that you actually do them. I don't know if all 1st borns are this way but you are incredibly responsible and amazingly mature.
You have a way about you that draws people to you and people recognize immediately who you are. It's always been that way but as you get older it gets stronger and stronger.
I see you take pride in what others say about you and I worry sometimes that you might need that too much. Don't worry about what others say. You are enough on your own. It's nice to hear nice things but be strong enough to be able to go on without it.
Most importantly remember who you are. You are a beautiful daughter of God. As long as you live up to that potential you will never have to worry about anything. It's not always easy. People, things and sometimes even yourself will want to pull you down but you, my dear daughter, can rise above it all.
I love you so much and will forever be grateful that you have been in my life. I look forward to the next 5 years and seeing how much more you can grow. I'm proud of you. And hope you know how much you mean to me.
Love Forever and Ever
Your Mom